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Matveeva Maria Evgenievna

Porcelain painter.

The works of the author are presented in the collection of the Vyatka Art Museum. V.M. I am. Vasnetsov, as well as in private collections.


Born in Leningrad in 1977. Since 2004, after graduating from the Department of Ceramics and Glass SPbGHPA them. IN AND. Mukhina, works at the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory (Imperial Porcelain Factory - since 2005). Since 2013 - a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Member of domestic and foreign exhibitions and symposia on ceramics and porcelain.

The author of the services: "In the Park" (2006), "Chrysanthemum" (2007), "Theater" (2008), vases "Planes. To the 65th anniversary of the Victory" (2009); series of dishes "Theater": "Dance of the Masks", "Arbenin and Nina", "Colombina" (2008), the children's set "Miracle Tree"

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